MMOexp :Flamestrike Watch your feet and don't stand in it

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MMOexp :Flamestrike Watch your feet and don't stand in it

Post by paleyShelie » Thu Jul 11, 2024 3:22 am

They do a lot of AoE damage as well as He'll interrupt the WoW cataclysm Gold heels and focus them down first. Along with these are as your enforcers which are the cleavers in this dungeon paired with the cleave is Mortal Strike. Healers be aware of this so you don't fall behind on healing and then just make sure you face them away from the group.

After this pack you'll find crazed mana surges, they're straightforward AOE mobs they'll use arcane Nova which not only does damage but it heals as well. This isn't interruptible so kill them first. Last up for the notable trash in this dungeon are the crystalline protectors. It's nothing special. Just note that they have a shard spray which does frontal cone damage. These are usually a part of an almost entire room pool.

So be aware of your positioning, leaving the Nexus and heading over to the creepy crawly Old Kingdom. Anca hit Anca Hartsville Flinders will greet you near the entrance, they will you shadow blast. It's a six second cast ability that is 50% of the targets as damage over the duration. This can and should be interrupted because that is a lot of damage, especially if there's multiple make sure you kill these first, down the stairs after the first boss you will have your first encounter with eyes of tal de RAM.

They will explode when they die dealing damage and knocking you back. Watch your positioning so that you don't pull any unwanted mobs with that knocked back. They also apply a debuff that when dispelled silences the Dispeller for eight seconds which is pretty substantial and brutal and big pulls this is very deadly so resist the urge to dispel when it pops up. Right in the same area are the large bone grinders, they're going to use frightening shout which is just a fear and trample that does AOE damage.

The damage can be pretty high when stacked with other mobs make sure you're aware of your surroundings so you don't get filtered into more mobs. Through the little tunnel after the second boss you're going to encounter Twilight mobs Twilight apostles are the healers interrupt them when ever they cast to heal and they also cast a bloodless which you can dispel to minimize the damage going out and increase uptime in those same packs are

Twilight worshippers they're gonna use Flamestrike Watch your feet and don't stand in it. avoidable damage is a no no when chain pulling. That's it for notable trash mobs.

So here's some Boston tips on this second boss and last boss make sure you stack up. This makes it so that when the second boss vanishes and teleports, he's always in the same spot for you to kill and maximize uptime. And on the last boss stacking up will help during the insanity phase, every group member will have to fight an image of their party members whenever someone kills all four of their images that are released and can help others in their group.

stacking up makes it so that you can keep all these images down speeding up the fight. For those running gun drag, it's a very straightforward dungeon with not a lot of surprises. Early on there's packs of trolls the fire weavers are your mage mops doing AoE damage and should die first. medicine men are the healers of course be ready to interrupt those heels.

Other than that all of these are straightforward and buy Cataclysm Classic Gold can be chained boiled effectively. The Jakari Gollum and living Mojo packs are interesting the Golems use shockwave for rental accountability don't stand in front of them, and then the living Mojo will turn into little puddles that do damage if you stand in them. :ugeek: