Thanks to gaanthony and other tippers!
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 12:03 pm
We haven't mentioned tips before in these forums, but it's worth taking the time to thank those who are giving back to Chris for all that he's done for everyone here.
gaanthony deserves special thanks for donating about 75 cents most days. This money is being invested towards multiple algorithm support in January or February. Here's a list of the top ten tippers:
gaanthony: $0.76029587150688
isdimension: $0.0607679867973102
purequality4u: $0.0300645581283706
Muimo: $0.0156288076804237
IC6CKFK: $0.012640678985762
guemining: $0.00949853613642022
lamoia100: $0.00446469003408742
naher: $0.0042478838893298
karamba: $0.000308959495665044
toniderat: $0.000149298922208144
Any amount is appreciated - many of the people with low amounts have donated high percentages of their income. Thanks again!
gaanthony deserves special thanks for donating about 75 cents most days. This money is being invested towards multiple algorithm support in January or February. Here's a list of the top ten tippers:
gaanthony: $0.76029587150688
isdimension: $0.0607679867973102
purequality4u: $0.0300645581283706
Muimo: $0.0156288076804237
IC6CKFK: $0.012640678985762
guemining: $0.00949853613642022
lamoia100: $0.00446469003408742
naher: $0.0042478838893298
karamba: $0.000308959495665044
toniderat: $0.000149298922208144
Any amount is appreciated - many of the people with low amounts have donated high percentages of their income. Thanks again!