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Attention Fedoracoin owner - collect your earnings

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 9:32 am
by Steve Sokolowski
There is a user who earned a few Fedoracoins that significantly increased in value to be worth hundreds of dollars. Please check your Fedoracoin balance and enter a payout address so you can be paid as soon as possible.

Since the balance has had no activity for some time, it is approaching the 90-day threshold when our liability for this balance ends.

As a reminder, we make a best effort to pay everyone everything that has ever been earned. However, one of the most important security measures we take is that we never hold large balances and we sell our profits immediately. Our policy is that liability for balances without payout addresses ends after 90 days. If there is ever a crash, theft, or coin discontinuation, then such balances will not be paid.

Everyone can easily prevent this issue by entering payout addresses for all coins in their accounts. Thanks!