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Hashrate on miner vs. Prohashing

Posted: Thu May 06, 2021 6:43 pm
by Two_2s
Hi All,

I am sure this has been asked before but why is the hashrate always lower on your dashboard than it is on the actual miner's? My miners web GUI and Hiveon numbers are always within a half TH but Prohashing consistently has them 8-10 TH below their actual output? I have three T17's and below is the actual output on the miner GUI and hiveon dashboard's vs your site #'s

Miner 1 55.48 vs 44.88
Miner 2 56.30 vs 50.28
Miner 3 51.90 vs 48.48

I have a screenshot side by side but can't attach it for some reason..

Re: Hashrate on miner vs. Prohashing

Posted: Thu May 06, 2021 7:01 pm
by Alynn
I put in a ticket about this. So here is how I understand it

Basically your miners KNOW what they are doing as they are the one doing it.

Prohashing can only guess based upon how quickly you are turning in shares, and it recalculates that every so often.

If you look at the past 24 hours of your hashrate on your charts you will likely find that the average for all that is pretty close to what your miners are reporting.