Trying to get a clear understanding of solo please...
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 2:13 pm
I've got decent enough hardware to go after LTC solo, however, I'm curious as to the solo luck / %'s...
For instance, do I gain that higher percentage to get an LTC block by sticking with the same solo pool, even if I have to restart, but stick with the same pool? I'm calculating ~26% chance in 30 days of finding a block with my miners currently, but if I turn them to another pool, do I lose a progress % with Prohash for that monthly % I was building towards?
Clear as mud? That's what I'm trying to figure out...
Does my sticking it out with one pool increase my chances of that LTC block because of what I've put into it (albeit solo), and if I disconnect, or leave that pool, does that counter completely reset?
I've heard stories of solo miners watching different pools, but wondering why they would redirect their resources towards a higher luck pool for a bit and leave one, if their counter resets - if there is even a counter to begin with??
Or everything aside, does the calculator say "hey, at your current rate, you should average ~26% chance over a month to find a block, doesn't matter where you go. Thanks so much in advance to help me understand that. Stay safe everyone and happy mining!
I've got decent enough hardware to go after LTC solo, however, I'm curious as to the solo luck / %'s...
For instance, do I gain that higher percentage to get an LTC block by sticking with the same solo pool, even if I have to restart, but stick with the same pool? I'm calculating ~26% chance in 30 days of finding a block with my miners currently, but if I turn them to another pool, do I lose a progress % with Prohash for that monthly % I was building towards?
Clear as mud? That's what I'm trying to figure out...
Does my sticking it out with one pool increase my chances of that LTC block because of what I've put into it (albeit solo), and if I disconnect, or leave that pool, does that counter completely reset?
I've heard stories of solo miners watching different pools, but wondering why they would redirect their resources towards a higher luck pool for a bit and leave one, if their counter resets - if there is even a counter to begin with??
Or everything aside, does the calculator say "hey, at your current rate, you should average ~26% chance over a month to find a block, doesn't matter where you go. Thanks so much in advance to help me understand that. Stay safe everyone and happy mining!