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Terrible Reject Rate

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 1:07 pm
by ikehoff
Hey guys, been mining here for about a week with great results and I just noticed my hashrate taking a dump. Any word why?

Re: Terrible Reject Rate

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 1:34 pm
by Steve Sokolowski
Hey ike,

I looked into the issue, and this seems to be a result of duplicate shares. Everyone is having this problem. The reason is that some coins are becoming very volatile on Cryptsy today. The pool is switching back and forth between the coins in an attempt to make the most money, but the switches are happening so quickly that a new block hasn't been started in the meantime.

I fixed this bug last week, but because we still cannot get our hands on an ASIC to test our new code, we haven't released the fix. We got scammed by two separate sellers this week alone, delaying the project four days, and another person decided not to sell.

I'm going to instruct Chris to go to the August 31 code in about two hours. He needs to take the site down for a few minutes to fix a malfunctioning router anyway, so when he brings it back up, we'll release that untested code and it should fix the problem (but may cause other issues). Check back in about three hours and we'll see how this fix works.

We apologize for the issue. This is one of the reasons we don't want to expand until we can finally obtain some scrypt ASICs.

Re: Terrible Reject Rate

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 2:30 pm
by ikehoff
For what it's worth....I'm willing to point my Black Widow at your test server for a few days. Not sure if that's even possible with your setup.

And thanks for the quick response!

Re: Terrible Reject Rate

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 4:35 pm
by Chris Sokolowski
I just changed to the August 31 code on the mining server. Hopefully that should improve the duplicate shares.

Ikehoff, thank your for your offer. However, we already have have another person who will be doing this for us over the weekend, so we do not need your assistance right now.

Steve, we also didn't get scammed by the second ASIC seller (at least not that I know of). He has shipped the miners and provided a tracking number.