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XMR Payout Format?

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 5:11 am
by loszhor
Good day,

How do I properly set the XMR payout address? It has only one line and I am accustomed to the two text box versions that the exchanges use.

Thank you.

Re: XMR Payout Format?

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 4:39 pm
by Steve Sokolowski
The exchanges have two boxes because they have an "address" and a "payment ID." Here, you should enter the address only.

The "payment ID" allows the recipient to differentiate between who sent the payment to that address. The idea is that, instead of generating one address per customer, an exchange can generate one receive address and provide a different payment ID to each customer.

A payment ID is not required for transmitting money across the Monero network. Unless you are running an exchange, you can still receive money in your wallet without providing a payment ID.

Re: XMR Payout Format?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 9:29 pm
by loszhor
Steve Sokolowski wrote:The exchanges have two boxes because they have an "address" and a "payment ID." Here, you should enter the address only.

The "payment ID" allows the recipient to differentiate between who sent the payment to that address. The idea is that, instead of generating one address per customer, an exchange can generate one receive address and provide a different payment ID to each customer.

A payment ID is not required for transmitting money across the Monero network. Unless you are running an exchange, you can still receive money in your wallet without providing a payment ID.
Thank you for the information.

Re: XMR Payout Format?

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 2:32 am
by Chris Sokolowski
As an update to any users who may read this post, we do not support Payment IDs for Monero, so please do not directly deposit Monero to exchanges that require Payment IDs such as Poloniex or else the coins will be lost.

Re: XMR Payout Format?

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 8:26 am
by Steve Sokolowski
I hope to add support for Payment IDs sometime during the last two weeks in December. Until then, you can take payouts in Monero into a personal wallet, which can then be transferred to an exchange for trading from your own wallet.