Status as of Saturday, February 23, 2019
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 12:48 pm
Good afternoon!
- The "coin price changes" release has been issued. Now, you can stay updated on which coins are making the largest market moves on the homepage. The "Payout proportions" "Add new coin" select box also indicates when a coin is in one of the top five or bottom five recent price changes.
- We also released a change on the website to reduce the number of algorithms displayed in several places on the charts page. You can still view all algorithms with the dropdown boxes. The top 4 by revenue rate are displayed in the "live profitability" chart by default.
- Some major changes to ethash mining are coming early next week. A customer reported that his miners were regenerating DAGs too frequently, wasting valuable mining time. After some investigation, we found an erroneous assumption had been made in some code that assigns miners to ethash coins. The new code, which is finished and ready for release, only assigns miners to a coin with a different DAG epoch if the current coin has been mined for at least a constant amount of time. For now, that time will be set to ten minutes, but it might be adjusted as we gather more data.
- CryptonightV1 mining is also ready for release, but its release is dependent on Chris adding the coins for the algorithm to the database. For now, the four new coins have been made available for payout.
- Unfortunately, we significantly underestimated how much time would be required to complete the project's taxes. Our original estimate was 2 weeks for all the work, but it has taken 180 hours so far. With the March deadline approaching, Chris needs to focus on the taxes immediately to avoid penalties, and this focus is expected to increase the response time for support tickets. We apologize in advance for the delays.