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Documentation updated

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 10:19 am
by Steve Sokolowski
My 22-hour project this week has finally been completed. Chris is going to restart the website to deploy the massive changes to the documentation that I just finished.

The most significant changes are removal of references to scrypt that had been created when scrypt was the only algorithm offered by the pool, the addition of fields to the API and charts information that had been added but not documented, and grammatical errors. Almost 5% of all the words in the 5000 line document were changed.

This change should make it much easier for people to understand how the system works and how to get started. Feel free to review the new documentation today!

Re: Documentation updated

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 1:10 pm
by CSZiggy
Would still like to see "Live Coin Status" on the main CHARTS page changed or a note on the status itself saying how delayed the values are.
Like when the last time the share recorder updated its info, a timer on the "Live Coin Status" so we know when the last time it updated.

From the updated HELP PAGE DOCUMENTS: This chart is updated nearly in real time, but a random delay was added since it was found that a few customers were violating Prohashing's terms of service by using this data through automated bots.

So when Bunnycoin is found, the LIVE COIN STATUS still reads Last block: 2 mins. It continues to read 2 mins since last block found. So is the delay OVER 2 mins that it never updates more often then that? I would guess once the block is found once, twice, 5 times during those 2 mins that the price of the coin gets re-adjusted more often then the 2 minutes the data on the "LIVE" coin status is showing. Does that mean the prices/profitibility being shown on the "LIVE COIN STATUS" is not LIVE but rather "OLD/DELAYED COIN STATUS*". *=(your profit may not be what is currently shown with old data on the chart)

From a legal point, which the pool prides itself on being legit and following the laws, just seems it could be an issue. That may be seen as falsely advertising a price in the past...2 mins, 1 min, 30 secs saying its LIVE, NOW, CURRENT price. You go to Walmart, the ad in the paper says TIDE $4 and pick up a box of TIDE you better get charged $4 at the register, if they came back and said no-this week it's $7, that $4 was a price from the would flip your lid, demand they only charged the price advertised, ask for the $3 back that you were overcharged, and possibly turn them in for advertising one price and then not delivering on it. There are BAIT-AND-SWITCH laws out there. Please don't lure in customers with the promise of a current profitibility that isn't there to be had if it's already in the past. Please change the name, add a delayed-time timer, or add a footnote on the chart page.