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Minor Usability Suggestions

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 3:19 pm
by tucsondirect
few things that could make the site more pleasant,
1. Make the Forum link on top bar open in new window/tab
2. Increase session timeout period (2x what it is now would be nice)
3. Indicate on login page that Username is case SenSItivE (this one messed with me big time :/)
4. Historical miner charts(not super important)
5. List of all workers that have been seen, and time of last activity
6. An explanation that payout in Dollars can be at the threshold and then slip back and not get paid out due to bitcoin value loss... (i.e. dollars are btc and are still subject to influx)
7. Move worker status to top of page so user does not have to scroll, to get a quick look at stats


Love the improvements you guys have been rolling out! take this list with a grain of salt (or glass of wine)..... For when you are looking for something to do :)

Re: Minor Usability Suggestions

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 9:45 am
by Steve Sokolowski
Thanks for the suggestions!

I can't promise that every one will be added immediately, but we'll certainly add them to the list. Number 6 can probably be pushed out in the next release, because modifying the documentation doesn't have much risk.

I'd prefer to make the username case insensitive rather than indicate it's case sensitive. It's surprising that I never knew that - because I had always been using lowercase names to test.

The only difficult fix is the worker status "last seen" one. The architecture is such that it only tracks current workers, and it would be a more significant change to save old workers in a different table.

Re: Minor Usability Suggestions

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:52 am
by tucsondirect
Thanks Steve, another thing that would be awesome is if the cursor defaulted to the username field when the dialog pops up :)

Re: Minor Usability Suggestions

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 6:34 pm
by Steve Sokolowski
That one should be pretty easy. I'll add that into the next release.

Re: Minor Usability Suggestions

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 6:06 pm
by zxzxzx
A lot of good points @tucsondirect.
And when you login, it should go to/open "earnings" and refresh, not just hang on the main page as it is the same if you are logged in or not.

Also, maybe the chats should show the BTC amount with the $ amount of the same day/trading rate (I guess it should be average of the traded day rates) as BTC doesn't change but the $ per BTC changes all the time.

It seems like the pool is more stable now.
Good job guys.


Re: Minor Usability Suggestions

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 10:36 am
by Steve Sokolowski
All of the suggestions made here in this thread will be implemented in the next release, except for tucsondirect's #4 and #5.

What data were you looking for on the historical charts?

Re: Minor Usability Suggestions

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 2:01 pm
by tucsondirect
#4 I would be helpful to have the last 24 or 48 hours accepted /stale/rejected shares, as well as average hash-rate snapshots, maybe the average for the previous 15 min. even hourly would be fine... I don't see a need to keep that detailed of data for longer than that... (in my case it would make it easier to identify problems that are occurring randomly with some of the solar powered miners as all of their controls are analog )

Re: Minor Usability Suggestions

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 4:18 pm
by tucsondirect
Much Better :)... It wasn't bad before but its great now :)

Re: Minor Usability Suggestions

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 6:12 pm
by RapidHash
For me most important would be charts for workers, daily, weekly, monthly. It helps to keep track of any issues. Also daily earnings shown in BTC/USD would be very good. :)

Re: Minor Usability Suggestions

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 8:46 pm
by Steve Sokolowski
It's interesting that worker charts is the suggestion that comes up the most often, given that it's the most difficult to implement :(

Isn't daily earnings already shown in USD value in the earnings chart?