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Earnings Page Suggestion

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 11:09 am
by kires
You guys have done a great job in terms of stability and profitability, which are all that really count, IMHO. You've done such a great job, in fact, that petty BS like the following is all I can think of that would make the pool better. When I go to the Earnings page to check on my stats, I'm most interested in my current/most recent performance data, so I hit page down once to get to it. While knowing that the last share I submitted earned me 0.15524446 doge and eight or nine decimals of $scryptcoin is neat and all, I'd really rather have the detailed and historical data further down the page, and the current performance overview stuff at the top. Ideally, I'd like to have Hashrate and Worker stats at the top, with Current Mining and Balances below them.

Re: Earnings Page Suggestion

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 9:01 pm
by Steve Sokolowski
It's never a waste of time to make suggestions. We'll put this on the list. It took us months to get to the suggestion for worker status, but we will get to this eventually.

The user interface has always been a low priority for us, but we're putting some more effort into that now before we move onto multiple algorithms. I think you'll be pleased as some changes roll out over the next few weeks.

Changing the order of the boxes shouldn't be very difficult, so we can put that in the next release.