Status as of Monday, April 23, 2018
Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:59 pm
Hi! A few notes for today:
- Thanks to user boutique, who provided an extremely detailed bug report, Constance was able to figure out what the issue was that is preventing some software from reading the two-factor authentication QR codes. It turns out that including unencoded spaces in URLs confused some devices, but not others. We'll be releasing a fix for the issue later today. At the end of this post is the level of detail the user included as an example. That's what we need to resolve issues with the system, and to encourage future reports of this caliber, we decided to pay boutique $25 after verification of the fix.
- We've offered another contract to Chuck Bates to add support for ERC20 token payouts. Because these tokens don't require installing individual clients, and because Binance and HitBTC have thousands of these tokens, this project could see the number of payout coins limited only by our data entry capacity. Chuck is the same developer who successfully added Ripple payouts to the system a few weeks ago. I'll update everyone if we can come to an agreement with Chuck.
- Vance is working on adding support for, which will improve profitability because it has so many mineable coins. Novaexchange has also relaunched, and once their wallets are unlocked, we will be able to re-add 90 coins that were previously discontinued.
Code: Select all
The QR code generated by the two-factor setup is not working in Authy, LastPass Authenticator, or Google Authenticator.
I AM able to decode the image with to extract the key and manually add the key to my code generator--but no matter what code generator I use I am not able to add it by scanning the QR code. Every code generator I use spits an error that the url is invalid.
Maybe a long shot, but I'd like to help. When I decode the image with I see that the raw text is:
otpauth://totp/Prohashing (boutique)?secret=**MYPRIVATEKEY**
I believe the URL needs to be URLEncoded so that the space is turned into a %20. On a QR code I use for work it decodes as: otpauth://totp/Timeclock%20Kiosk?secret=**MYPRIVATEKEY** and this works.
Also, for what it's worth, when I decode my QR code on the "Parsed Result Type" comes up URI where yours comes up TEXT which I think is informative as to why the code generators are struggling with it.
Finally, you might want to consider adding "&issuer=ProHashing" to the QR code such that it looks like: otpauth://totp/boutique?secret=**MYPRIVATEKEY**&issuer=ProHashing
By adding the issuer value then this becomes a nice big label in my code generator with the "boutique" part being below the code (at least with Google Authenticator).
Whew...I think that about does it. Sorry it's so long, I wanted to offer what help I could.
Thanks guys!