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Errors on some miners

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 2:52 pm
by bitwinter
Getting this error below

Doesn't matter what coin it is- at first it was with one miner 3
I have 12 Scrypt miners and the other 9 are fine

What does this error mean and is it still producing profit ?

One thing to note- I am using and "n=" option to name the miners- notice k101 is fine

though the ones with the error do not display the names i give them..instead they show what you see

Any help in understanding this would be appreciated



Re: Errors on some miners

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 2:57 pm
by AppleMiner
Yes it is still profiting.

Your miner re-connected before the old named mining worker was disconnected.
since you can't have 2 miners with the same name, for tracking purposes, it gives the duplicated miner a new ID name.

if you have them named K101, K102, K103, K104...and you see K103 is one of the missing miners, rebooting or restarting the miner after enough time has passed should allow it re-connect in, not see the old name still in use for your account, and use its proper name again.

Again, this is only visual, it does not impact operations or profits, and really no changes need to be made unless you need to see what each rig is doing for your own purposes.

Re: Errors on some miners

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 3:11 pm
by bitwinter
Thank you!