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Payments suddenly very bad

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 3:50 am
by MrCoffee
Hi, I had day 1:0.32 LTC, day2 0.31 LTC, day 3 0.188LTC???? This are 40% lesser than before, why? No difficulty change, no other changes.

And the graphics Total coin and Earning by coins showing wrong values, about the half.

What happened?


Re: Payments suddenly very bad

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 4:03 am
by Stanislav
Same problem for last 2 days(((

No explanation for that hasn't been yet ((

Re: Payments suddenly very bad

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 4:14 am
by kake
the past 24 hr my l3+ mined 0.08 ltc...the past 2 days they were around 0.11 or so...

Re: Payments suddenly very bad

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 4:27 am
by rogerk3
I have 7 L3s that made 1.10 LTC on Tuesday, 1.10 LTC on Wednesday, and .6 LTC on Thursday. Username rogerk3. Something is wrong since difficulty and hashrate did not change. Steve keeps ignoring the question. First he said he was waiting for Chris to wake up to look at the problem. Then he said it was not a general problem. He seems to want to ignore that it is a general problem as several people have pointed this out. I do not know what is going on and he is not helping the matter.

Re: Payments suddenly very bad

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 4:43 am
by Maciej
That's why it's time to move to another pool, because they guys are ignoring this question a lot!

Re: Payments suddenly very bad

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 5:53 am
by mcrutche
Payout doesn't drop that much without a valid explanation.

Re: Payments suddenly very bad

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 6:46 am
by Minasamy
I am new to this, so excuse my poor terms. I have been seeing the same numbers on the charts, however earning have reduced by 30% to 40%. I am not sure if it’s the difficulty going up or something else. But it seems many of us are having the same.if anyone gets an update. Please let me know, I will keep an eye on this. Thanks!

Re: Payments suddenly very bad

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 8:40 am
by Aura89
rogerk3 wrote:I have 7 L3s that made 1.10 LTC on Tuesday, 1.10 LTC on Wednesday, and .6 LTC on Thursday. Username rogerk3. Something is wrong since difficulty and hashrate did not change. Steve keeps ignoring the question. First he said he was waiting for Chris to wake up to look at the problem. Then he said it was not a general problem. He seems to want to ignore that it is a general problem as several people have pointed this out. I do not know what is going on and he is not helping the matter.
Maciej wrote:That's why it's time to move to another pool, because they guys are ignoring this question a lot!
You guys may, you know, actually want to read what was posted, rather then ignoring what was posted, as well as lying about what was posted.

What was posted as as follows:

@ Steve Sokolowski « Thu 7:48 pm »
there are no known widespread issues, so we’ll investigate problems one-by-one when tickets are received

@ Steve Sokolowski « Thu 7:47 pm »
if you are having issues with payouts or earnings, then please submit a support ticket to
So, you know, instead of not doing what you're told to do and complaining about it, how about every single one of the people who are having this know........submit a support ticket and get it taken care of?

I know, i know, it's a novel idea, no one would have ever thought to submit a ticket for an issue they are having like you're supposed to do.

Tip for everyone: Have an issue? Read the forums to see if your issue has been addressed (specifically in the Development forum), and if not.....................Submit a ticket!

Re: Payments suddenly very bad

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 8:43 am
by Maciej
Well, if you read the forum a lot of people were complaining about 40% loss in profits, but Steve keeps saying that it's not a widespread problem, so why so many people have been complaining about that????

Re: Payments suddenly very bad

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 8:51 am
by Aura89
Maciej wrote:Well, if you read the forum a lot of people were complaining about 40% loss in profits, but Steve keeps saying that it's not a widespread problem, so why so many people have been complaining about that????
The amount of forum posts and extremely negligible compared to the amount of miners that are connected. It is likely that not everyone who may be affected by this issue, if it's an issue (for example, you are lower on profits right? Have you looked to see if your miner got kicked to your backup? do you HAVE a backup? Do you have two backups and checked both? etc. etc. etc.) have posted here, BUT let just say it was right? That'd be, way less then 1% of miners. To put that as an example, if 100 people currently posted here about this issue, that'd only be 1.7%, and that again would not be widespread.

Simple fact of the matter is, it does not matter what you consider to be widespread, or what anyone here is saying is or is not widespread: Submit a ticket! Get YOUR problem fixed, and if it just so happens that getting YOUR problem fixed, it gets fixed for everyone else as well? GREAT!

Stop worrying about other people, worry about yourself and submit a ticket.