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Is scrypt Minning still profitably with a Antminer L3+

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 10:05 am
by MrWolf
Guess, its all it the title? Is scrypt Minning still profitably with a Antminer L3+

Looking at getting one, just wondering how long it will work for before it's not efficient enough?

thanks in advance.

Re: Is scrypt Minning still profitably with a Antminer L3+

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 10:23 am
by AppleMiner
It comes down to how much you pay for your electricity. That will determine how long you can run it and still make a profit.
Currently $15-$18 a day for an overclocked figure 450 a month minus $70-130 a month in electric depending on your costs.

So making $300 a month profit, how much did you have to pay for the machine, and that $300 a month will go down as time goes on most likely.
If you are paying $1500, you will need to run the machine 5 months just to pay that off, maybe up to 7 if profits decline.

So is Scrypt mining still profitable....depends how much you had to pay and will be paying for power to mine on it.

Re: Is scrypt Minning still profitably with a Antminer L3+

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 10:26 am
by mycide
We can only speculate in how long it will be profitable. Looking at the x11 asics, they completely flooded the market, making it barely worth running today, but we dont know what will happen once it settles, price might very well compensate.

The L3+ is still profitable, that is basically the only question that can be answered with certainty, today.
You should do your own research on it before buying, profit margin will also depend on u'r electricity prices.
Personally i think it will stay profitable way after roi, because price will compensate, 1-2-3 years maybe longer, maybe shorter.

My Titan rig altough had no competition when released 2014, is still profitable and running 100% But even after my titan goes unprofitable, the L3+ should have it's head above the water.

Also we dont know if there will be new gen rigs coming out next year and if so how they will effect the difficulty, and if price will adjust upward to compensate fast enough.

Nobody can tell you for sure anything you wanted answered.
Most people here would likely be invested and believes in cryptos future and the answers will reflect that.
Personally i would tell you that LTC and scrypt will most likely stay profitable for a forseable future, as i believe the price of LTC will adjust upward to compensate for difficulty. Similarly with BTC, not taking into consideration all of the forks and what could potentially present game changer (but i choose to stay positive on BTC growth in the long term)

Re: Is scrypt Minning still profitably with a Antminer L3+

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 11:45 am
by pavvappav
IMHO, if your looking to make money, just invest the coins themselves. If you enjoy mining, then get into it. For example, if you bought the L3 with BCH back when it was ~300, you could still have that BCH today at ~1200.

Re: Is scrypt Minning still profitably with a Antminer L3+

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 4:06 pm
by GaryHunter2018
Yes mining is definitely profitable, I'm earning $300+ dollar a month at the moment from one miner, actually I wondered if you knew anything about Antminers? I purchased this a month ago ... n.php?p=s9 and have set it up but I am only achieving 11.5TH/s as opposed to the advertised 14TH/s but it still making money.