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How does the algorithm pick a coin?

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 3:44 pm
by speraves
I have looked through the forum and can't find a good answer so if there is a thread on this, please link it and I will go read there.

I am wondering how the algorithm picks a coin. I often times see that I am only mining dash, basically all the time. Every once in a while I will mine HappyCoin or something like that, but, even when there are more "profitable" coins displayed on the coin list I am usually mining a cheaper coin.

So, are there other factors other than just pure profitability? Is there a way to change the "aggressiveness" of the algorithm to show bias towards more profitable coins?

Also, is my payout based on my own individual coin mining? Or is it based on the "pools" mining and we are just averaged out?


Again, sorry if this has been discussed somewhere else. The search kinda stinks so I couldn't find what I was looking for.

Re: How does the algorithm pick a coin?

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 4:40 pm
by micca410evo
Not all miners would be able to go to the most profitable coins at once, you should read more in the forums, plenty of info about that in certain topics about issues.

Payout is based on your own decision, default is PPS and if you do solo mining you'll get paid what you find.

Re: How does the algorithm pick a coin?

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 6:01 pm
by hashingpro
I looked on the forums and on the help pages also.I cannot find a lot of the information I wish was more readily available on this site. How the coin picker worked more, how the payouts are tabulated, what the pool payouts are based on.

Id like a more in depth explanation on how the pool pays out. By the very definition all the money made should be put in 1 pot and then each person paid out for the portion of the work they put into the pool. How the money is all put together inside the pool, what the pot is divided up on, and so forth. If its not all put into 1 pot to be split up then its not really a pool, its just an auto coin picker service that tries to assign the best coins for the best profits. So how is the autopool pot split up? based on what metric to split up the profits?