Status as of Monday, August 7, 2017
Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 7:49 am
Good morning!
- A few customers have been mentioning something about missing shares. Chris will look into the issue later today.
- Chris is going to his annual second-week-in-August video game meetup tomorrow. This time, he allocated time in the evenings to address support tickets; however, not much else will get done other than support tickets for the next week. I'll continue development but only fixes for any issues we discover from the last release are planned for release next week.
- We should be able to relax the difficulty constraints after Chris determines if this missing shares issue is limited or wide in scope; it hasn't been done yet because of those reports.
- We determined yesterday that we will not be able to address the "rapid coin switching" issue that some people reported, where their miners switch between coins every 1-2s at times. The share inserter parallelization allows for processing of almost unlimited numbers of shares, but does not allow for any faster coin assignment, and coin assignment is now the bottleneck. The "rapid coin switching" problem results from an inaccurate but faster method of coin assignment, which we plan to improve on Sept 17 with the parallelization of coin switching.
- Before starting on the coin assignment issues, I'm going to try to optimize WAMP publication further. You should notice that the stats at the top of the page load much faster now, and the WAMP server doesn't disconnect as frequently. Yesterday, we were able to eliminate a key issue where profitability updates would be sent 3,000 times with identical data every 50s or so. Getting back to the "difference calculator" that I talked about earlier should further reduce bandwidth and CPU usage.