Status as of Tuesday, July 4, 2017
Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 9:22 am
Hi! Here's a few notes about today:
- We will be spending the morning on this release. We cannot reproduce all of the issues in the development environment, so we are going to start at 9:30am and continue working through the issues until they are all fixed. Fortunately, since there were no changes to coin assignment, all of the errors in this release should be easy to detect. There are either exception messages or there aren't, and when there are no more exceptions, the release is working correctly. If you are worried about renting hashrate, don't rent until noon.
- Chris got the ticketing system online! We'll be updating the DNS and releasing a new version of the website that features the address. A thread in the "Support and Feedback" forum reviews some of the options for support. Of particular note is that forum private messages are no longer a preferred method of support. We want to keep all the issues in the ticketing system (E-Mails create tickets) or on the phone so that multiple people can read them and the best person qualified to handle a ticket can respond to it.
- Once Chris enters all the tickets into the ticketing system, and the release is out, then we expect to be able to provide improved customer service by responding to tickets more quickly.
- I wanted to remind everyone that we'll have 30m of downtime on the evening of July 6 to install two faster solid state disks, which should completely eliminate the database load issues for a long time.