Status as of Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 8:34 am
A few items since last night:
- Chris successfully deployed the second of the performance improvements, the "non-locking" payout software. While we didn't use GregoryGHarding's idea of extra columns yet, we're confident that this software is reliable because in the worst case it will result in underpayments, rather than overpayments. The main effect of this improvement is that beginning tonight, there won't be any periods of delayed shares, and there will be no risk of the share inserter running out of memory holding the shares while waiting for the payout locks to be released.
- On Saturday afternoon, you can expect a restart or two while we try to get the final software improvements to the mining server out.
- I will be making a post about some hacks that have been occurring recently and how to prevent them.