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April 28 balances corrected

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 7:17 pm
by Chris Sokolowski
Hi everyone,

As I'm sure you've noticed, the balances on the pool have changed in the past few hours. I am finally finished changing everything, so I am writing to explain what has happened.

Yesterday, April 28, between 06:46:15 and 06:46:28, (13 seconds) the pool credited over $10,000 in earnings while only earning $20 in found blocks. The cause was an incorrect sell price for Pepecoin. Our policy is that if there is an error in earnings caused by a bug in our database, then we reserve the right to correct earnings.

I have recalculated all balances for April 28 excluding that 13 second interval. I then added an extra 10% to earnings. That is two days' worth of pool fees. In addition, the anomalous earnings triggered balances forfeitures for dozens of people this morning, and all those forfeitures have been reversed. An inadvertent effect of updating the balances is that if you forfeited a balance in the past, that there may be some very small balance that reappeared that you may would need to forfeit again.

I will be sending the payouts in a few minutes. Tomorrow's payouts should go out as normal.

I hope everyone understands the reason for these changes. As always, I am open to answer any questions you may have.

Re: April 28 balances corrected

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 7:29 pm
by JKDReaper
I've kept up with the posts about balances over past couple days, and made it a point to keep an eye on mine. I havent noticed any increase nor decrease (most notably in my btc balance...I nearly removed all payouts to btc after your announcement of price increase to withdraw, so pretty certain on that balance) until just now. And the amount that was removed is exactly what I mined today...that's the oddest part about this falling into your post.

I understand and would have no issue with correcting an error...but I'm 99% certain the coins removed (from my account at least) are only what I mined since this morning.

And the negative balance coins...some of those I forfeited several days ago.

*EDIT* Actually there was some coins credited...Gulden at .00014662 and Shilling at .00221965 were added...but I've never added these to payout...and they are still in my account. So the added coins remain while my today mined got removed...value being VASTLY against what I mined.

*EDIT 2* Went through rental records and payout/deposit/clearance records for here...I had a payout of 188 Doge and 348 Halloween sent to my wallets that was mined prior to the 28th...that's the only acyivity on my account for the 28th as I had held off on mining for a couple days to make sure balance issues id read about were fixed.

Re: April 28 balances corrected

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 12:58 am
by JKDReaper
*EDIT* This issue SEEMS to have corrected itself (what this post was about)...but I would still like someone to get back to me about loosing 600Mx11 for 8 hours rental hash along with roughly another 5 hours of 200M scrypt...

So if you all could let me know if what I'm saying makes sense or if I can explain better or whatever to be enough for you to look into this and correct the coins removed today.

Re: April 28 balances corrected

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 1:30 am
by Chris Sokolowski
What are you mean by losing hashrate on the pool? Do you mean you have no connection, not showing up in the charts, the balances are incorrect, or something else?

Re: April 28 balances corrected

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 3:09 am
by Nalith
This still does not make sense... I had thrown more than 6x the normal hashing power at the poo than normsll and see similar payouts to the 27th. I was watching my balance climb and even out side of the 13 seconds it climbed more than the payout.

Re: April 28 balances corrected

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 3:17 am
by galixxx
I have a minus balance on Monero although I didn't have a balance on XMR since months...?

Re: April 28 balances corrected

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 3:38 am
by JKDReaper
No, sorry, I'm referring to the "correction" today...when it happened, it took exactly what I had mined from yesterday morning until that point. I hadn't mined anything in nearly 3 days, and due to one of my coins not paying out and me reading of others who had problems with their coins, in was keeping an eye on my balances several times a day. (I posted in another thread about truckcoin and Halloween coin, for a reference as to when I started paying attention closely but not mining).

I didn't notice a jump in my coins at any time, and I certainly would have noticed my BTC going from .001 to .003 as I was anxious to get btc out before cost to withdraw increased. I would have noticed DOGE coin going from 0 to 400, ETH, DASH, etc...the only thing that increased in my account was Gulden going from never being there to .00014662 and Shilling from never there to .00221965...neither of those had I ever put a wallet or payout for...and they still sit in my wallet.

But like I said...when the "correction" hit my account, it took exactly what I had accumulated yesterday up until that point...and a few junk coins into the negative (of no value in the quantities negative) the "lost" hashing is what was taken out...and the math to me is just odd...after the correction, I had less BTC, DOGE, etc...than I did 3 days ago.

I would never intentionally try to pull one over on you or rip you off...too much respect for the work you out in here...and I don't want to come across as bitching and most here the $ amount I'm talking is trivial, but to me and how I work the crypto market and with how I've managed to at times double and triple my renting cost because I won't put another penny into this "hobby" out of my pocket ($25 to date, was a bet with my wife lol)...honestly, it becomes a bigger deal to me.

As you see, I ramble to damn much lol, bad habit, but any who...can you look into a specific account prior to those few seconds on the 28th and after to see exactly what if anything was credited? And would it matter that I did no hashing those days? Or that there is no account activity showing on my side for that morning or next day?

If I'm wrong, I apologize and I don't mean to imply your doing anything underhanded by no means...

Re: April 28 balances corrected

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 5:04 am
by Chris Sokolowski
Nalith, you and many others were double paid on the 28th (see viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1438), so the payout is actually spread over two transactions - one on the 28th and one on the 29th.

galixxx, I set all users' balances to 0 where the balance was between $0.00 and -$0.01. That should remove all the change from showing up.

JKDreaper, don't worry about bothering us. We want to maintain an honest service, and I definitely want to make sure that no one is cheated, no matter whether they are the largest user or the smallest one. I need some time to figure out how you could see balances change like this. The only change I did today that possibly could have done what you explained is that I re synchronized user balances by calculating sum(daily earnings)-sum(payouts). If there was a payout in the past that for some reason was not previously deducted from your balance, that would cause a decrease in the balance you now see, but I've never seen anything like that occur before and because of the way the system is programmed it never should occur. I will get back to you soon with what I find.

Re: April 28 balances corrected

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 7:16 am
by JKDReaper
Greatly appreciate it. I do believe you run a honest service here and its statements (backed up by actions) like you just made that keeps me (and others I'm sure) here. If it'll help I'll throw out the times today I can remember...Half asleep, hope memory serves...

Around 1am I rented some hash and checked this site, BTC was .0023ish, DOGE was right around 200, with close to 100 not yet to be cleared for withdrawal (200 was sent out) Ran some numbers, pointed rental another way and went to bed. ETH and DASH were right around .002, LTC .001.

Got up somewhere around 10am and balances were same except for the 200 DOGE sent out. Mined off and on with Scrypt and X11 rentals till around 7pm. Looking at balances (I'm OCD, and CONSTANTLY watch balances), BTC was .0042, DOGE was 400ish, ETH and DASH .0045, LTC .01. Refreshed the page and balances were BTC at .0019 or .0020, ETH and DASH .0008/.0007 and DOGE was 12. I have several other coins but those are the noticed and valuable. I also noticed the negative balances. Refreshed a couple times to make sure it wasn't just a bug that refreshing would correct. Then sent message on boards.

If memory is right, after 7-8 hours mining I was at ..0004 BTC less than when I of .0025 taken, ETH/DASH were .0021 less than when I of roughly .0045 taken of each, DOGE was at 100 less than when I of roughly 400-500. Again, several other coins of medium value and several of little value experienced the same type of drops. I had planned to hit .005 for BTC withdrawal tonight, I dumped the rest of my rentals back into here, but was down to my low speed farmers...managed to pretty much regain all that was taken and at midnight was almost back to identical numbers i had before the losses at 7pm, plus/minus a few changes I made in percentage payouts.

Maybe that'll help. Only other things of note is the Truckcoin that's been hung marked for payout for a week (still marked), the 200 or so Halloween coin that withdrew and deposited a few times over a couple days (These are MIA since last time you attempted the withdraw before realizing wallet changed), and the Gulden/Shilling that appeared on the 27th (I've never selected these for payout or even had a wallet address entered...still have these...these appeared late night on the 27th, before I went to bed around midnight).

Maybe that'll give ya some idea where to look or whatever.

Thanks again, greatly appreciate the effort.

Re: April 28 balances corrected

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:39 pm
by JKDReaper
Should I leave my balances as is? Would making some withdrawals tonight effect your looking into this?