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Looking for help understanding behavior

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 8:52 pm
by Steve Sokolowski
I'm looking for help understanding the behavior of miningrigrentals's x11 service.

Normal x11 miners that are directly connected to a pool send 4 byte extranonce2 values in the stratum protocol. Both scrypt miningrigrentals and direct scrypt miners also send 4 byte values. This is the size requested in the return value from "mining.subscribe."

However, x11 miners connected to miningrigrentals are submitting shares with 10 byte extranonce2 values, like "01[followed by 18 zeroes]" or "00[followed by 18 zeroes]." I haven't been able to find information in any forums or on their site about this behavior.

Does anyone know why a miner would submit shares that disregard the extranonce2 size of 4? Is there something I'm missing about x11 that isn't true for scrypt?