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Re: Bad profit

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 11:28 pm
by gaanthony
Woot! Currently on track to earn more profit here than at the other pool. Things are lookup up :D
Looking forward to what tomorrow brings.

Re: Bad profit

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 12:22 am
by CritterDog
gaanthony wrote:@CritterDog - I think you may be on to something with the d= setting. If I don't use a static d= the pool eventually changes it dynamically to 262144. I've run with it at d=8196 up to 262144 in the past not seeing much difference. I run with that as each of my miners are >400MHs/s.
Now I test different runs from d=256 up to d=8196 and d=4096 seems to be a sweet spot for my miners on this pool.
Long running test will tell but on track now to beat earnings at the other pool.
Yes I normally run my A2 at d=4096 on the other pools. But if I set it on 4096 on this pool it seems to make the restart way to high and I dont find hardly any shares. I had noticed my little gridseed blades seem to be outperforming my A2. So I started bringing the difficulty down on the A2 all the way to 512 and now my restarts are really fast and the A2 finds more blocks. So it seems like there is a connection some how. I know if I let the pool set my difficulty it goes way up to 32768 and it would just sit on one coin. Profit was terrible.

Re: Bad profit

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 8:34 am
by gaanthony
Yes. Overnight test looking good! Profit here now more than at the LTC pool.

Re: Bad profit

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 5:15 pm
by Chris Sokolowski
We made a change last night that disables the work restart penalty. I discovered that our calculations for work restart penalty are not implemented correctly. As a result, miners with average work restart performance were being penalized while miners with poor work restart performance were earning bonus money. We will see how the pool fares with no work restart penalty, and we will look into implementing a fair work restart penalty in the future.

Re: Bad profit

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 11:18 pm
by gaanthony
I've moved back to the max static difficulty that my miners normally reach dynamically of d=262144 and will see how that looks with the current changes from the recent development announcement over the course of the next day. Thanks for the update!

Re: Bad profit

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 3:29 pm
by Minerman
My results after a 12 hour run:

Whould be for 24 hours:

Litecoinpool: 5.1 LTC
Prohash: 4.6

No improvement for my Titan then...

Re: Bad profit

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 2:49 am
by Chris Sokolowski
Minerman, we are wondering if Titans have a "spin-up time". The way we programmed the work restart time, we expect that miners are either at full hashrate or no hashrate at all. However, if the miner gradually ramps up hashrate after a work restart rather than giving full hashrate immediately, this would confuse our calculations and assign your miner more work restarts than would be optimal for your miner. Have you tried using the h= parameter to limit your selection to more difficult coins, perhaps h=100 or higher? If h= gives you a better payout, then we would know that this "spin-up time" actually exists and we can modify our work restart algorithm to deal with it.

Re: Bad profit

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 3:41 am
by CritterDog
One more thing to think about. When we mine on the litecoin pool we are being paid in litecoin for only mining litecoin. But here we are mining other coins and buying litecoins which the price changes constantly. For these test to be truly accurate the price of litecoin would have to stay the same throughout the test. The only way to really compare is to set c=Litecoin on this pool then compare to litecoinpool minus 5 percent. Thoughts?

Re: Bad profit

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 8:52 am
by Steve Sokolowski
CritterDog wrote:One more thing to think about. When we mine on the litecoin pool we are being paid in litecoin for only mining litecoin. But here we are mining other coins and buying litecoins which the price changes constantly. For these test to be truly accurate the price of litecoin would have to stay the same throughout the test. The only way to really compare is to set c=Litecoin on this pool then compare to litecoinpool minus 5 percent. Thoughts?
The fees shouldn't be included in the comparison, because the promised payouts on the "charts" page already account for fees. You should only compare what each pool is paying and nothing else.

As to the issue of coin value changes, that is a problem that is difficult to deal with. It's the main reason why we express our payout rates in dollars, because all the various coins change value so much that dollars is the only number that makes sense. The ultimate comparison would be for someone to earn 100% litecoins all day at both pools. Failing that, the second best comparison would be to earn bitcoins or dollars here and then convert at the LTC price at the end of the day.

Re: Bad profit

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 9:52 am
by Minerman
Chris Sokolowski wrote:Minerman, we are wondering if Titans have a "spin-up time". The way we programmed the work restart time, we expect that miners are either at full hashrate or no hashrate at all. However, if the miner gradually ramps up hashrate after a work restart rather than giving full hashrate immediately, this would confuse our calculations and assign your miner more work restarts than would be optimal for your miner. Have you tried using the h= parameter to limit your selection to more difficult coins, perhaps h=100 or higher? If h= gives you a better payout, then we would know that this "spin-up time" actually exists and we can modify our work restart algorithm to deal with it.
I am on a 24 hour run now with h-100, and so far it looks good.
Will report back tomorrow.

Average mining efficiency: 99.95% :-)

The results so far interpolated:

Litecoinpool: 4.8 LTC
Prohash: 5.1 LTC

update after 6 hours:

Prohash: 5.2 LTC

update after 7 hours:

Prohash: 5.17

Update after 12 hours:
Average mining efficiency: 99:93 %


Litecoinpool : 4.85 LTC
Prohash: 5.06 LTC