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Re: Congrats

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 9:04 am
by Steve Sokolowski
We may stop providing our feed to poolpicker because they aren't reporting our numbers accurately:

1. They refuse to regulate whether profitability includes fees or not. I'm told that Nicehash actually reports its numbers before it subtracts fees. If true, then Nicehash is outright lying, since nobody could actually earn what was reported. What you see here is what you get.
2. Poolpicker is taking numbers from the wrong days. The days we end up reported last are often several days delayed, due to bugs in their software. You can match up these figures to days when other pools were also low-paying, which is where they should have been reported.

I think that Poolpicker's business model is flawed. The only way for them to accurately compute these numbers is to put a 1MH/s graphics card on each pool and report how much was paid out at the end of the day. Not only are they not doing that, but they aren't publishing basic regulations to allow pools to make an effort to provide comparable numbers.