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Re: Payouts not going?
Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 3:39 pm
by Chris Sokolowski
We haven't yet deployed the new website code to our production server, which is why you do not see any changes. I will be doing this deployment later today and will let you know as soon as I do.
Re: Payouts not going?
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:13 am
by Chris Sokolowski
I just deployed the updated website. Please let us know what you think.
Re: Payouts not going?
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:20 am
by JiveTonto
Good its alot more easyer to use,cant wait till adjustable windows tho on earnings page
Re: Payouts not going?
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:48 am
by JiveTonto
also could we be able to set payout amounts, e.g im doing infinitecoin atm and would like ot be payed out every 150k not have to wait for the once every 24 hour share? or does your bot need the time to buy on exchanges?
Re: Payouts not going?
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:01 am
by Steve Sokolowski
JiveTonto wrote:Good its alot more easyer to use,cant wait till adjustable windows tho on earnings page
I have a simple solution for the "recent shares" frame at the top that will reduce the number of coins displayed in each row. To view all the coins, you can just click "details."
After we release these profitability fixes (and I think we want to do multiple merge-mined coins after that as one final profitability improvement), then it's clear that the website is the weakest link of the system. Rather than fix things one by one, I was considering making major changes where this data can be updated in real time.
Re: Payouts not going?
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:27 am
by Steve Sokolowski
JiveTonto wrote:also could we be able to set payout amounts, e.g im doing infinitecoin atm and would like ot be payed out every 150k not have to wait for the once every 24 hour share? or does your bot need the time to buy on exchanges?
Chris and I were talking about this last night. One of the suggestions was to add an "immediate payout" button.
This problem is difficult to solve. Adding the button itself could be done in a single Saturday. However, exchanges like Cryptsy say that their withdrawal fees cover the network transaction fees, but in reality their withdrawal fees are 10x higher than what the network requires for a transaction. For bitcoins, they charge 0.001 on a 0.01 withdrawal, a fee of almost 10%! This is one of the reasons why it's necessary for us to take 5% in profits, to cover this problem.
We mitigate the withdrawal fee issue issue by bundling everyone's exchange withdrawals for the purchased coins into one, then getting them to our wallet, and then paying people out. But if you requested an immediate payout of 150,000 IFC, it could mean that Bittrex docks a withdrawal fee of 25,000 IFC from you, and then the network would charge 1,000 more to send them to you. And, the delay would probably be about two hours anyway for the exchange to process the request and for the blocks to confirm.
Before anyone does work on this, I need to know whether:
1. Would you be willing to pay 10% to 20% for this?
2. Would the feature still be useful if an "immediate payout" means that you get the coins two hours from now? It's still faster than two days, but people who want to do real-time trading might be disappointed at the slowness of the process.
Other customers are welcome to chime in on this request.
Re: Payouts not going?
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:59 am
by JiveTonto
at 10 and 20%id say its to high personaly and ill pass,but atleast making it daily payouts bang on a 24 hour cycle.Also my earnings are not adding up,i havnt quite been mining with you again for 24 hours yet my daily earnings vs current balances are way differant
Re: Payouts not going?
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 10:01 am
by JiveTonto
so under my daily earnings there is about $4.40 but under current balances there is only about 2.40,Now ive been watching the price of infinite coin and the price has remained steady so its not because of the rise of the coin price
Re: Payouts not going?
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 11:01 am
by Steve Sokolowski
JiveTonto wrote:so under my daily earnings there is about $4.40 but under current balances there is only about 2.40,Now ive been watching the price of infinite coin and the price has remained steady so its not because of the rise of the coin price
Thanks for the report on this bug. I'll have Chris look into it and he will get back to you this evening, after he wakes up and has time to investigate.
I didn't think most people would be willing to pay the large withdrawal fees to get paid out in coins immediately, so I won't implement that unless someone else requests it.
It should be possible to move payouts up by 24 hours once we make enough money to cover the coins that are not yet mature. However, any change to the payout software requires a huge amount of testing because of how important it is, and that would be time-consuming. I'll add this to the list and perhaps we can get it done by April.
Re: Payouts not going?
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:26 pm
by Steve Sokolowski
OK, I performed the research on this and Chris won't need to spend his time on it.
The reason is that Infinitecoins are very volatile. They are going up from 2 to 3 satoshi and back down again a lot, which is a 50% difference.
The price you see in the top chart, your current balances, is how much the Infinitecoins you have now are worth. The bottom price is the sum of how much each share was worth at the time it was mined. The two are very different for this coin.
It seems that Infinitecoins have been at 3 for most of the day, but if you happen to look at your balances during the 10-minute periods when they are worth 2, then you appear to have only 2/3 as much money as you would think.
As the price of Infinitecoins continues to rise (which it will, since you are causing our software to buy a lot of them), the numbers should converge. Let me know if you need more explanation. The actual number of Infinitecoins you are receiving is unchanged and appears to be correct; it's just their value that is changing.