Status as of Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Discussion of development releases of Prohashing / Requests for features
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The Development forum is for discussion of development releases of Prohashing and for feedback on the site, requests for features, etc.

While we can't promise we will be able to implement every feature request, we will give them each due consideration and do our best with the resources and staffing we have available.

For the full list of PROHASHING forums rules, please visit ... rms-forums.
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Steve Sokolowski
Posts: 4585
Joined: Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:27 pm
Location: State College, PA

Status as of Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Post by Steve Sokolowski » Wed May 03, 2017 9:04 am

Good morning. Here's a brief status update before I start work.
  • Chris was able to get out the final round of performance improvements last night, after having to revert the previous two nights. There are a few minor issues with this release that we'll fix over the next few days. We do not anticipate making any more performance improvements and we plan to freeze the mining server for a while after we get through the issues here.
  • Our next mining server features will be investigating Miningrigrentals and NiceHash compatibility, which some customers have mentioned they are having trouble with.
  • Work on the website continues, with the next target being the "miner hashrate' charts. Some users are saying that the charts are broken, but we can't reproduce this for all users and the description of how they are broken isn't clear. If anyone can contribute a detailed description of this issue, we would appreciate it.
  • We made aggressive goal of significantly reducing payout complaints within a week. To do this, Chris has been making some changes to the payout software. For example, the "negative balances" that have been coming up are often miners who are requesting to be paid every day, and they end up in debt due to the huge bitcoin transaction fees that now approach 30 cents. Now, the system will automatically apply the first shares of the day to pay back these debts before producing earnings in any other coin.
  • excelerator commented yesterday about x11 profitability. In response, Chris is going to add 8 new coins today, and he was also able to fix 40 x11 coins over the weekend, so those disappointed by x11 earnings last weekend might want to look at earnings today and let us know how they compare to other pools.