Hi - How can I set my 3 miners to look different? RIght now Prohashing is seeing 2 of my miners are the same but the scripts are different. Is it the "jmarty71"?
Command line parameters: --no-watchdog --pci-indexing -a ethash -o stratum+tcp://prohashing.com:3339 -p a=ethash,n=jmarty71,o=3080 -u jmarty71.2070 -w 2070 --api-bind-http
Command line parameters: --no-watchdog --pci-indexing -a ethash -o stratum+tcp://prohashing.com:3339 -p a=ethash,n=jmarty71,o=3080 -u jmarty71.3080 -w 3080 --api-bind-http
3 Miners
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Welcome to the System Support forum! Encounter a problem related to the pool? Post your issue here and we will help you out.
Keep in mind that the forums are monitored by PROHASHING less closely than the official support channels, so if you have a pressing issue, please submit an official support ticket so that our Support Analyst can look into your issue in a timely manner.
We cannot answer financial questions related to your account on a public forum, so those questions should always be submitted through the orange Support button on prohashing.com/about.
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Re: 3 Miners
Yes, the n= in the password field is the name of the miner
Re: 3 Miners
So, I can change that without breaking anything? Since the u= is still jmarty71?
Re: 3 Miners
Yes, in fact it's encouraged to help with stat tracking on the dashboard. The -u argument is your username on Prohashing so the server knows which account you're working with and should be the same across all miners. The n= argument in the "-p" (password) argument is what the dashboard looks at in order to label each individual miner on the dashboard. For example, my CPU mines Monero and the computer is named editor9000 so in my password argument I use n=cpu_editor9000. My GPU mines Etchash so the name there is n=gpu_editor9000.
tl;dr If you give each miner a different name with "n=" then each one will look distinct on the dashboard in Prohashing and it won't break anything.
tl;dr If you give each miner a different name with "n=" then each one will look distinct on the dashboard in Prohashing and it won't break anything.