Crypt0z is a litecoin v0.8 fork using scrypt as a proof-of-work algorithm with 32MB block sizes and the diffusion of innovations in replacement of the standard halving adopted by 99% of cryptocurrencies.
Everything else is pretty normal.
››› • {Releases} • ‹‹‹
• 32 MB Blocksize (On-Chain Scaling)
• 2 hour difficulty retarget
• 2 minute block targets
• 30 minutes for full confirmation
• 99% of coins produced over ~5 years using DoI minting schedule
• ~25 million total coins
• +much more planned (Starting with Atomic Swaps)[/center]
Diffusion of Innovations

››› • {Wikipedia} • ‹‹‹
››› • {Minting Schedule} • ‹‹‹
››› • {Chart} • ‹‹‹
Diffusion of innovations is a theory that seeks to explain how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread. Everett Rogers, a professor of communication studies, popularized the theory in his book Diffusion of Innovations; the book was first published in 1962, and is now in its fifth edition (2003).[1] Rogers argues that diffusion is the process by which an innovation is communicated over time among the participants in a social system. The origins of the diffusion of innovations theory are varied and span multiple disciplines. - wiki

Code: Select all
Xheight = nHeight * 0.0000038051750381;
nsubsidy_function = ((3583.5719028332051*(pow(Xheight,8))) -(67959.212902381332*(pow(Xheight,7))) + (500144.30431838805*(pow(Xheight,6))) -(1806581.9194472283*(pow(Xheight,5))) + (3537339.4754780694*(pow(Xheight,4))) -(4712758.2800668897*(pow(Xheight,3))) + (4535015.6408610735*(pow(Xheight,2))) + (834937.06954081857*Xheight) + (1000845.7073113875));
nSubsidy = ((floor((nsubsidy_function*(1.0/60000.0)*0.33757734955)*100.0))/100.0) * COIN; // our emission curve [no. of coins per block]
250Kx0z Address still contains HIYATUS.DEV | Hiyatus crafted the DoISMS math to my specs. This project was impossible without him. - ... 7FMftN84uY
Community Funds with 01 (can be found on x0z Discord - ... i4HZkS39Am
HIYATUS.DEV | CALEM.DEV | MEANX.TRADE - https://meanxtrade.com/ | 1ST.POOL - https://x0z.magnificentpool.com/ | 2ND.POOL - http://pool.fatpanda.club/

Windows Wallet

Mining Pools
White Paper - [DRAFT] {WIP}
Abstract. A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash with on-chain scaling now exists with Bitcoin Cash. The issue at hand is the emergence of the ever increasing competing alternatives and the additional volatility this brings to the market as a whole. Due to the nature of societies adoption rate of new technologies and the standard block reward halving mechanism employed in 99% of Proof of Work networks, there exists the need for a stable and liquid cryptocurrency as a major fiat entry point into all pairs. Tether is one solution currently in operation. This paper proposes a truly decentralized alternative outside the control of any central authority.
1) Introduction
It appears to have become consensus that coins and tokens must either follow the halving standard set by Satoshi or are to be completely produced up front like the common ICO. The Crypto Community as a whole has come to rely almost exclusively on centralised exchanges serving as trusted third parties for fiat entry into the broader crypto market. While the system has allowed for mass adoption, it can not avoid the inherent flaw built into the incentive model of all major cryptocurrencies. Tether is one potential solution but inadvertently is still at the mercy of the production rate of the coins and token holders it serves to help.
What is needed is an alternative to Tether built on it's own Proof-of-work backbone in order to also break away from the ties to the US Dollars inflation rate. Using the Diffusion of Innovations to model an inflation rate, along with an industry supported mining algorithm Scrypt a tried and true alternate to sha256, assisted with the growing support for the Atomic Swap network, a potential now exists to solve a long time debated issue surrounding volatility. Crypt0z is at it's core, an experiment.
Questions surrounding the valuation of empty blockspace, 100% fee based network operation and adoption rate mechanisms will weigh heavily on the Cryptocurrency Industry in the coming years. The information gathered over the 60 month production rate serves as a proof of concept which will assist in advising not just present and future cryptocurrencies but investors, governments and institutions alike.
Roadmap etc
Tipbots / Rebranding
Atomic Swaps
more details to come
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